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Aquatic Weed Harvesting


Here at Cove Waterways Management we specialise in the mechanical harvesting of aquatic vegetation from rivers, canals, dams, ponds and lakes, and the cutting and removal of reed growth from natural or manmade reed beds and wetland habitats.

Many worldwide water management experts agree that regular aquatic plant harvesting is the best method for the control of excessive plant growth without damaging the environment. Harvesting of these cut plants stops dead plant matter from forming silt build up and helps maintain water depth.   

Our purpose built Swedish amphibious machine can drive straight off the trailer into the water without needing a boat ramp.


Everything Else

Other services

This machine also allows us to dredge, dig, excavate,  vacuum environmental spills, spread absorbing chemicals, chip wood and perform numerous other tough jobs. We can also easily deliver this vessel to access any site. Even the most remote will not need a boat ramp. Here are some of our more common requests:

Amphibious Herbicide Spraying

Cove Waterways Management can now offer an amphibious herbicide solution to our customers. With our operators licenced to buy, transport, mix and apply herbicide from the Truxor or 4x4 Ford Ranger, we can now offer a complete weed control solution for hard to reach areas. With the options  to mechanically remove or spray or a mix of both, we can limit herbicide resistance becoming a problem.  We can access areas that were only accessible to helicopters and mitigate the risk of bird strike and herbicide drift from helicopters down draft. With a 200L herbicide tank fitted with a turbo 400 handle, we can spray Typha stands in the middle of lakes or spay weeds on lake isands.  The Truxor can also do this at a fraction of the cost.

Digging and Excavating

Here at Cove Waterways Management our machines can get to places that conventional earthmoving equipment shouldn't or wouldn't dare to go. With its low ground pressure it allows us to operate in sensitive areas without damage to the environment and at Cove we only use Panolin environmental oil. From clearing runoff drains, riverside stabilization work to digging services through swamp land, if you have a tricky job give Cove Waterways Management a call.

Dredging and Silt Pumping

Years of slit build up due to run off, dead aquatic vegetation or even grass clippings can leed to decreased water depths, algal blooms and disease in animals and people that live off the resource.

Here at Cove Waterways Management our purpose built machine can suck up and pump silt up to 300m into dewatering bags or containers without the need to empty the precious resource. 

Invasive Fish Removal

As part of our service we also offer invasive fish removal. Koi carp and other introduced invasive fish compete with native fish for food and space. They stir up sediment and release nutrients which help to create algal blooms.

It's also the things you can't see, like disease and parasites, that can have the most damage. They have even been known to eat baby ducklings. The Truxor is a very stable platform for scooping invasive fish from.

Need to see more? Contact us

We are here to assist and work with anyone to clean Western Australia's waterways.

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