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Industry Types Serviced:

Local governments 

Local governments are in charge of the maintenance and upkeep of numerous amounts of bodies of water. A medium sized local government could have up to 20 local Lakes, 3 km of river forshore, 50 stormwater runoff drains and  some even have canals. However, not all local goverment bodies are equiped for low environmental impact intervention that also eliminates the need for unnecessary manaul handling. Normal earth moving equipment and pesticides currently availble in the state will damage local flora and native habitats. which goes against most local government environmental policy. Cove Waterways management is the only waterways mangement facility in WA with the appropriate machinery that has low environmental impact and uses biodigradable hydrolic oil. Lakes and ponds with uncontroled aquatic plant growth can bring bad smells, mosquitoes and there diseases affecting resident opinions and rateable property values.


Farmers these days are doing it tougher then ever with lower rain fall, hotter temperatures and invasive weeds. For farmers, dams are there lifeline. Here at Cove Waterways Management, with our trailerable machines we are able to help secure this lifeline by removing the weeds in their dams and dredging the sedament without emptying this precious resource. 

Golf courses

Golf courses are a retreat for alot of Western Australians. However, there's nothing worse than hitting your ball into a water trap. Alot of these traps are full of aquatic plants and weeds. Up untill now it has been very hard to clear these out due to damage normally available equipment can do to these manicured surfaces. With Cove Waterways Management's help not only will your course have a better asthetic appeal, but you will also have a better chance of recovering your favorite ball. 

State government

Here In Western Australia we are blessed with some beautiful waterways. We live in and around them. We swim and catch fish, crabs and prawns in them. Of late the State government has spent alot of money bringing entertainment and more living opportunities to these waterways .The creation of Elizabeth Quay and the Swan Canning River Park was a much needed addition to this under utilisied asset. Here at Cove Waterways Management we want to help the State Government keep Western Australia's number one asset weed free and thriving. From weed and floating trash collection our machines can help with river side stabilization as it can get to places normally available earth moving equipment couldn't or shouldn't access.  


Western Australia produces some of the worlds best wines. The Wineries themselves have a big tourism draw, especially from Asia. With the growing middle class in countrys like China, tens of thousands of tourists come and visit the Margaret River region and other wine producing hot spots every year. Appart from the wine itself, a big draw card is the architectually designed buildings with their manicured, sprawling grounds and lakes. Here at Cove Waterways Management we can help keep the working dams and asthetic water bodys clean and healthy.


With a fast growing world population, Aquaculture is a growing and much needed farming method. To deal with a growing world food shortage, aquaculture not only brings in alot of export revenue but it also helps to lower pressure on wild caught fisheries. The process of Aquaculture produces alot of unwanted nutrients into the ponds from uneaten food to animal excrement.

Excess nutriants can cause weed growth and algel blooms.

Cove Waterway management is able to help this industrie remove unwanted aquatic vegertation without using cemicals that could adversly affect pond water quality.  

Land Developers

Many people, chasing the Australian dream of owning their own house, look to new land developments for 

for the added convinience of new well appointed parks and schools. Most of these developments have a number of man made lakes. These manicured parks and lakes attract people to the developments to buy land and look at their display homes. With the rubbish made form building and the lack of exisiting wind breaks, alot of this rubbish ends up in these lakes. Alot of money is invested in these public open spaces for the added sales they bring. Here at Cove Waterways Management we can help maintain these lakes for the time of the developers responsibilty and get it ready for the hand over to local council.   

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