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Here at Cove Waterways Management . We are able to do a wide variatey of jobs for many different clients and makerts.  Here are just a few you may recognise.

City of Cockburn

Recently Cove Waterways Management was asked to do a trial for the City of Cockburn. The trial consisted of cutting a big section of fringing typha. The Truxor made light work of it and could easily access a normally hazardous area. In the past people on foot have become stuck in the mud and have had to contend with the resident snakes. We also drove out onto the lake to demonstrate the Truxor can access the submerged typha too.

We have now completed a big typha removal scope at Bond swamp 

next to Bibra Lake, spending three days removing it from the deepest areas.


City of Joondalup

Cove Waterways Management  has recently completed works for the City of Joondalup. These works consisted of removing large stands of submerged typha from the trio of lakes making up the Flinders Park Reserve. The typha had spread from fringing stands up six meters into the lake. With the use of the only Truxor amphibious machine in Western Australia, we were able to remove the typha rootball and rhizomes. By removing the whole plant you get less rotting material which creates nutrient rich sediment, while being able to maintain water depth.   


City of Rockingham

Cove Waterways Management has just completed works for the City of Rockingham. Windmill Lake had 90% coverage of typha, out competing the other native sedge Baumea articulata. We spent three days carefully removing the typha that in parts was mixed in with the sedge. Once again we removed the whole plant rootball and rhizomes maintaining water depth.

City of Melville

Back in January we conducted a trial with Melville City's reserve team to clear Marmion and Frederick Baldwin lakes of noxious aquatic weed.


The last time Marmion Lake alone was cleared in 2015 it took 1 week to remove turtles and 2.5 weeks to clear the invasive weed and fish species using 10 staff and volunteers, equating to over 6400 man hours with the native turtles being temporarily re-homed at a further cost to the city.


Melville City engaged us to cut and remove aquatic weeds from both lakes which took just six days. In the council's own words about our Truxor DM 5045


'With its ability to move easily from land to water using a track system creating low ground pressure, there was no damage to the environment. The turtles were not required to be removed and the whole exercise took  just over a week to clear both lakes, with all the invasive weed species being removed. A single operator was required, which kept man hours to a minimum. Areas of the lakes that had been extremely hard to access and the potential to damage the environment was mitigated.


Cove Waterways Management got the chance to work in the beautifully manicured Queens Garden. Cove is helping to maintain a strip of water between the wood edge and the famous lilies.

The strip of water is important to maintain water flow, it is also a safety issue. The strip gives a clear view to quickly find a child if they fell in.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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